1. About you
  2. About your property
  3. Cover options
  4. Agreements
  5. Your quotes

Get quotes from trusted brands in 7 minutes

Your rental property

Make sure you answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don't, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your claim or decide not to pay it in full.

You can select multiple renewal months if the insurance on these other properties renew at different time
We can quote today for policies that will start at any time over the next 30 days. A new quote form will need to be completed and submitted for each individual property

Your tenants

It's important to make us aware when you get tenants. If still unoccupied after 60 days, please also get in touch to make sure you're still insured correctly.

Your details

Contact details

In case we can't reach you.

We collect and use relevant information about you to provide you with your insurance, and to meet our legal obligations. This includes your personal and contact details, and may also include more sensitive information, for example, about any criminal convictions you may have. The way insurance works means that your information may be shared with, and used by, a number of 3rd parties in the insurance sector, including insurers, reinsurers, loss adjusters, sub-contractors, regulators, law enforcement agencies, fraud and crime prevention and detection agencies, and compulsory insurance databases. We will only disclose your personal information in connection with the insurance that we provide and to the extent required or permitted by law. For more information please see our privacy policy.

You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us. However, we may ask you certain questions so that we can narrow down the selection of insurance products we make available to you. As we provide information only, you will need to make your own choice about which insurance policy to buy.

By providing us with your details you confirm that you agree with our terms and conditions and that you have read our privacy policy.