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How would you describe the tenants you usually let this property to?
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Type of tenants in the property


Choose commercial if your tenants use your property as their business premises.

For example

You own the building that your tenants use to run their coffee shop from.

Residential and commercial

Choose residential and commercial if your property is used as both a business and a place for your tenants to live in.

For example

The ground floor is used as a shop, but the first floor is a flat.

Make sure you answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don't, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your claim or decide not to pay it in full.

You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us. However, we may ask you certain questions so that we can narrow down the selection of insurance products we make available to you. As we provide information only, you will need to make your own choice about which insurance policy to buy.